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Sustainability Projects

These Projects ensure the ongoing sustainability of the Church Planters in the ministry roles, and are used as a way to reach people in their local community with the Gospel. Learn how you can get involved.


Micro Enterprises

Making the banana chips and biscuits, lemonade, teas, ect. can be done almost immediately with just a few tools. Church planters can make and sell these items to help support their families. They also teach this skill to locals, which opens up Discipleship opportunities. 


Livestock Projects

As a medium term project the Church planters and locals can breed goats, pigs, and chickens and see a return in less than 1 year.


Agriculture Project

For long term sustainability planting trees and crops that will continue to produce for years is a great solution to empower the national believers. Bananas, Pineapples, and Apple-Ber trees produce fruit in 1-2 years and will continue to produce for many years to come.

These projects are guided by the following principles ​

  • Ensuring the ongoing sustainability of church planters in their ministry roles including providing for the families.

  • We use this approach as a way to connect with the community, the goal is to energize church planting efforts by encouraging a movement focused on making disciples and multiplying churches.

  • Teaching how to raise livestock in local communities has the potential to jumpstart grassroots economic development and transformation with in the community.


Go Give Hope believes that every national believer has a role to play in world evangelism.


Pray, Send, Give, Serve

 Go Give Hope is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Contact Us

ADDRESS: 492 Morning Glory Drive

Grand Junction, CO 81504


PHONE: 970-312-5272



© 2018 Go Give Hope

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