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Living Water

Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ. John 7:38 says, “He who believes in Me, as the scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’” Imli likes to say that since we have living water flowing out of our lives, the devil can try to block it but he cannot stop it because it will overflow whatever barrier is put in our way. God is in control no matter what we are going through. Although GGH recently faced challenges, we hold fast to the truth that the devil cannot stop the rivers of living water.

India has been shut down due to the increasing number of Covid cases in the country; which means Imli will not be able to go visit as originally planned. Also, the rainy season has come early. The flooding will make things even harder for people already suffering the effects of Covid. Please pray that an opportunity would come for Imli to be able to go in order to encourage and minister to the church planters and villagers.

The telehealth program is now focusing on helping villagers in India understand more about the spread of Covid, as well as debunk false information. The objective of the last telehealth meeting was to inform people how a person can become infected with Covid, symptoms they might have, as well

as methods to help prevent it from spreading. People in India were also informed about who could be especially vulnerable if they become sick based on pre-existing conditions, and when and if they should go to a hospital depending on the severity of symptoms. Telehealth doctors also advised people to take vitamins D3 and C to help boost their immune systems. Go Give Hope is working on trying to provide villages with pulse oximeters, a device that measures oxygen levels in the blood and checks the pulse. This tool will enable people to better gauge when to go to the hospital.

The pandemic and the rainy season have caused the building of the new school to be put on hold. Currently, the older building of the Shalom school is getting some renovations. The clay and cow dung floors are being replaced with cement. The new cement floor with dramatically reduce the amount of dust that would otherwise blow around the school with the new fans that will be installed, making it difficult for students and teachers to breathe. Lights will be added, as well as newer furniture to accommodate more students.

The Feed the Families ministry has recently started up again in order to provide rice and lentils to the poorest villagers needing food. This wave of the pandemic in India has made it increasingly difficult for poor families to obtain what they need to survive. Please pray and consider donating to Feed the Families. For as a little as five dollars a family of four can eat for a week.

God has been opening doors to reach people who are living in fear and uncertainty during this pandemic. They are willing to have spiritual conversations and hear the gospel and more people are coming to Christ. House churches have still been able to meet. Believers in the villages are helping each other so that no one is being left alone to care for themselves.

A lot of you know that Mark and Renee Fisher recently joined Go Give Hope and are actively seeking to start training church planters in Africa. They were supposed to leave last week for Uganda, but the

pandemic has forced Uganda to shut down. The Fisher’s plan to leave this week for Kenya. They are excited to meet with contacts and begin building a frame work for training and equipping Kenyans to become church planters and start forming house churches. Please keep them in your prayers as they will be gone until the 5th of July.

We cannot thank you enough for your prayers, support and encouragement. It has been awesome to see how God has brought Go Give Hope from being a small ministry with a few church planters to the growing ministry we have now. We praise God for using Go Give Hope to spread His glory in India; we also praise Him for you for choosing to partner with us in seeing the name of Jesus exalted among the people of India. May He continue to flow rivers of living water through your life. God bless you all.

Because of Christ,

Go Give Hope team


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 Go Give Hope is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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Grand Junction, CO 81504


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