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How the Lockdown and Cyclone is Effecting GGH

Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ. The effects of cyclone Nisarga and Covid 19 have brought new challenges to the mission field in India. We at Go Give Hope are thankful to our Lord Jesus for how He provides, and to you as well for your faithful support of this ministry. We pray this update finds you and your families casting all your cares on Him because He cares for you. Many changes are happening in India, causing Go Give Hope to adapt in order to meet the need.

The Brahmaputra river runs through China, India and Bangladesh. It is essential for irrigating farmland. In India it is especially used as an important means of transportation. The river flooded due to cyclone Nisarga, damaging homes and destroying crops in India. This is a devastating blow for a country that is already seeing a country wide food shortage due to Covid-19. This could create a greater need for the Feed the Families ministry.

On June 4th the Feed the Families ministry was able to take food to a remote village that had not been able to get any supplies since March 15th. The Indian government had promised to help people but the rural villages have not received anything. Road conditions were very slick and muddy due to the flooding caused by cyclone Nisarga. It took the team nine hours to reach the village.

The number of cases of Covid-19 keep increasing in India. And while the news has reported that India is starting to open back up, most of the country remains on lock down. Those involved in the Feed the Families ministry have to get permission so they can travel and that permission has a time restriction on it. In some cases, they are able to stay a night or two in a rural village so they have a chance to show the Jesus film and share the gospel with the villagers. But sometimes they only get a brief chance to tell them why they are there before they have to go back home that same day. By God’s grace we have been able to serve 1,146 families. Please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. Cyclone Nisarga destroyed a lot of farms which creates a problem for those who depend on summer rice and vegetable crops to survive.

The Go Give Hope team is trying to come up with creative and innovative ways to continue to spread the gospel during the lockdown. They are able to text people they know in the villages in order to check in with them. Almost everyone in India has a cell phone, but they are not smart phones. A lot of areas in India have cell service and it is inexpensive. Prayer is the number one way to effectively minister right now. We know and have seen the power of prayer in India. We ask that you would please continue to keep Go Give Hope and India in your prayers. Now more than ever people in India need to hear the Gospel. The Feed the Families ministry is currently the only active outreach Go Give Hope is able to use.

The plans for the new school are on hold, although funds are starting to be raised for this project. There will be a link on the website soon if you would like to donate. The school year in India starts in February and goes till November. Due to Covid-19 children have been out of school. It is still being decided whether they will start school next year of not. The rural villages do not have the same resources as kids in America in order to do schoolwork from home. This is cause for concern because education is vital if a child in India wants to succeed.

As of today, no one on the Go Give Hope team has contracted Covid-19, praise the Lord! The leadership in India is continuing to move forward and do what they can with what they have. They are still able to have Zoom meetings with each other as well as with those involved who are state side. One of the biggest hurtles they face is getting the financial support for the church planters to India. Go Give Hope team members have to physically take the money to India. If the money were wired over the Indian government could easily track the transfer, shut down Go Give Hope, and punish those involved. Please pray for wisdom and discernment as we wait for the opportunity to go back to India. Please know that you all are in our prayers as well. God Bless you.

In Christ,

Go Give Hope team

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