IBS and Security Training for Church Planters
Greetings faithful supporters and prayer warriors. God is continuing to move in exciting ways through Go Give Hope and we are so thankful that you are a part of what He is doing. As Imli likes to say, “When God is moving, jump.” Thank you for making that leap and partnering with us as we serve the church in India.
Imli took two others with him on his last trip to India, Stan Prescott and Aaron Nordstrom. They traveled throughout India from November 18 to December 6 training and equipping church planters as well as spreading the gospel to the unreached through the aide of the Jesus film. They had a packed schedule and had some challenges along the way. But they were also blessed by the Holy Spirit, giving them insights and direction in helping new church planters better understand Gods Word so they may in turn share it with their fellow man. Each person on the trip contributed their own unique skill set to better prepare the church planters for what they might face in the field.
Stan Prescott is the head of security at Calvary Chapel Grand Junction. This was his first time to India. He helped train the church planters in

basic security concepts when facing persecution in the villages they visit. Stan gave them insights into having things like a “go bag” in case the church planters need to quickly get out of the place they are staying. A go bag is simply a small, light weight bag that has some basic necessities in it like: food, water, medication and first aid supplies, change of clothes and a flashlight. Stan also helped teach the church planters how to use an app called What 3 Words. This app breaks the whole world into a grid of three-meter squares and then gives a three-word code to each square meter. It is basically a very simplified GPS system without all the confusing coordinates, just three words instead. Stan, Imli and Aaron traveled to a remote location, sent the three words of that location to the church planters, who then had to come find them. The purpose of learning how to use the app was so they could communicate with others where they were going in case they needed to leave a village quickly.
They also trained the church planters in the Inductive Bible Study method. Aaron, assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel Grand Junction, realized that while trying to teach through an interpreter, some important messages were not being clearly communicated.

“Sometimes Imli had to jump in because what was being said was not what I had intended. The other factor is the culture and knowing what they understand and relate too.” The team had planned to do some in depth Bible training but soon realized the church planters were not understanding what they were teaching. According to Imli, there are three stages church planters go through. The first is the crawling stage, which are newborn Christians. The next is the walking stage, those who have been believers for a couple of years. The last stage are the runners, or those who are much more mature in their faith. While the team thought they were going to be training runners, they ended up teaching crawlers. The team also used a game to teach the purpose of the law versus life in Christ. They blindfolded one of the church planters, pointed him towards a door and told him to find his own way to it. Others stood around the blindfolded man, quoted commandments and pointed the man in the direction of the door. Stan then picked up the man and carried him toward the door. This helped explain that when they accepted Jesus they no longer have to live under the law. Many of the church planters told the team their training had given them the key for knowing the Bible.

Church planters continue to need prayer and encouragement. They are facing tough spiritual battles. Please continue to offer up petitions on their behalf before the Father of Lights. Thank you again for all your support for the church in India.
In Christ,
Go Give Hope team