Kurt's Story
Kurt was born into a family who practiced animistic beliefs. He has six brothers and three sisters. As the eldest he was to follow in his father’s footsteps according to tradition. At 19 Kurt’s grandfather started training him to be a priest. During his peak time of practice he became a victim of witchcraft and got very sick. For seven years he suffered health problems and could not continue training as a priest or go to school. Kurt’s father performed a lot of ceremonies to try and heal him. He sought help from more powerful witchcraft to counter it. He visited different temples and performed different worship ceremonies. He consulted different doctors in a nearby town and took a lot of medications. But despite it all, his health continued to deteriorate.
One day Kurt heard about a prayer meeting in a nearby village. He decided to go. While at the meeting he made a prayer request. The people prayed over him and he felt relief and the overwhelming peace of Jesus. From that moment he started seeking the true God and was baptized in 1997. Slowly but surely within 2 years he was completely healed. Because of his faith in Jesus his parents rejected him. He had to leave home and stay in a nearby village.

In 2003 he trained to become a church planter among rural tribes in India. He began to preach the good news and share his testimony. “God has used me in a mighty way for His glory.” He experienced the presence of God many times, and God delivered him from extreme situations.
One day a village chief and villagers gave a false allegation about him and he was arrested by police. During long hours of interrogation he got a chance to share his testimony with the officer interrogating him. None of the charges against him could be proven so he was set free.
One day, as he was going from village to village preaching, a militant group with highly sophisticated weapons arrested him for preaching the gospel. After long hours of interrogation he was set free unharmed. He has no fear to preach the gospel even to the militants and keeps on preaching to them. Over time he counted fifteen militant men gave their lives to Christ. Through his ministry 450 people have given there lives to Christ; all possible because of God's greatness.
have given their lives to Christ; all possible because of God’s greatness.