January 2018 Update

Dear Partners: Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I encourage you to pray earnestly to the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. Luke 10:2
I would like to share with you about a group of former Muslims who are sold out for Jesus. I have been training, encouraging and watching their spiritual growth for the last ten years. Each day I see the increase of their passion to spread the kingdom of God and their mission does not change. In their own words, "Our mission is to see hundreds and hundreds of house churches in our Muslim communities." As they go out they are discovering the Great Harvest. In the month of January 2018 alone, 75 Muslims accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. So please continue to pray for their safety and boldness to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to Muslims.

One of the House Churches
Pray for JJ, IJ and KM's trip to Southeast Asia – They depart in February and return March 2018.
Pray for smooth flights and immigration.
Pray for the baptism program.
Pray for former Muslim Leaders Training.
Pray for the Garo Tribe Pastor Training.
Pray for Karbi Church Planters Training.
Pray for Church Planter Outreach Camp.
Praise God that all the sponsored children of 2017 passed their studies and are moving up to the next grade. The new school year has started in Southeast Asia. If you would like to sponsor a child for 2018 please let us know or simply send a check before the end of February. (Please put in the memo line - child sponsor).
The cost to provide for their schooling for the entire school year is $36.00 per child. Thank You: GGH Director – IJ Ph (970) 313-5272 Email: gogivehope@gmail.com Web = www.gogivehope.net
For the safety of our Go Give Hope family and that of the National Believers overseas please do not copy, post or forward this newsletter to anyone. If you know someone who would like to be added to our updates please help us by having them contact us at our email gogivehope@gmail.com or call us at (970) 312-5272.
Go Give Hope is a 501(c3) non-profit ministry. If you would like to partner with us through donations you can send a check to: Go Give Hope 492 Morning Glory Lane Grand Junction, CO 81504 All checks must be payable to Go Give Hope. We are no longer processing funds through Calvary Chapel since we have attained our non profit status. Please specify in the memo the name of the church planter, teacher, child or projects. You can also give online at: www.gogivehope.net (Donate Button). All donations are tax deductable.
To be sure you receive our updates please put gogivehope@gmail.com in your email address book so that our updates do not go into your spam folder. If you change your email address; please let us know.
Thank you