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What is an Indigenous Church planting movement?


  • Rapid growth and multiplication of Indigenous churches, planting churches within a given people group or population segment.

  • Indigenous is defined as: having originated in and being produced, growing, living, or occurring naturally in a particular region.

    • Indigenous churches spring from the soil and manifest many of the beautiful cultural traits and expressions of the people themselves, rather than importing an outside culture and imposing it onto the new believers (church).

  • Key components: The Church is more than an organization or institution, it is a living organism.

    • It must grow

    • It must reproduce

    • It must be indigenous

      • Self-Governing – Operating autonomously by locals.

        • Churches make their own decisions

        • All though seeking the wisdom of outsiders is helpful but there is no need to consult or seek help from outsiders in all matters of Church life.

        • There is no need for outside authority governing the local congregation and mandating what the particular church will do or not do.

          • For example, the local church is fine to govern itself regarding the building of the church, appointing leaders, organizing its own order of worship service ect.

        • The local church must make its own decisions and must be independent of outside control and depend on God.

        • It's called being autonomous.

        • At first, a new church will need some guidance from the church planters or missionaries but ultimately appoint the local leadership and follow that leadership.

      • Self-Proclaiming – Doing missions and evangelism by the locals.

      • Local churches must be able to spread the gospel across their community and beyond their community.

      • They can plant daughter churches.

      • They can send out is own missionaries and church planters throughout the world, that are financially supported by the church.

      • No outside missionaries are needed for the church to carry out the great commission. ( Matthew 28:18-20

      • Self-Supporting- Fully funded through locals.

        • Local churches need to support themselves financially, not dependent on outside funds to meet the day-to-day financial requirements for ministry.

          • For example, if a congregation needs a new church building or remodeling the church, the congregation needs to provide the money for such a project. If it is necessary for the church to provide a salary for the local leaders, the church provides the finances.

      • Self-Correcting – Holding each other accountable to God’s word.

        • The local church needs to keep the word of God and the congregation pure.

        • It needs to constantly keep and protect its leadership from error. Acts 20:28-31

  • Important Elements

    • Prayer can fuel the indigenous church planting movement

    • Proclaim the Gospel abundantly (mass evangelism) “If you sow abundantly you will also reap abundantly”

  • The Lordship of Christ and His word is the final authority (Bible).

  • Indigenous leadership is vital.

    • In ICPM outsiders (missionaries) are there to model, assist, watch, and empower the local leaders. The Indigenous people are on the front line serving in their community. By doing so it establishes strong local leadership rather than relying on outside leadership. (i.e. foreign missionary.)

    • Jesus Model: I do you watch, I do you help, we do it together, you do I help, you do I watch, you go on doing until I return.

    • Paul’s Model: 2 Timothy 2:2 Paul modeled Timothy, Timothy modeled reliable men, and reliable men modeled others.

  • Lay Pastors / Elders / Church Planters / Evangelists / Missionaries should be indigenous people.

    • These are people that are raised up by God from within the general profile of the people being reached. ICPM is driven by these local leaders that are cultivated from within. 

  • House Churches / Cell Group

    • ICPM Churches begin as small as 10-30 believers that meet regularly in homes or under trees.

  • Churches Planting Churches

    • The churches that are planted turn around and plant new churches, through, by, and with local believers.

  • Rapid Growth and Reproduction

    • Of local leadership

    • Of local churches

  • Healthy Churches: The Lordship of Christ and the word of God is the final authority. The purpose of the Church must include the core essentials.

    • Worship

    • Discipleship

    • Ministry

    • Fellowship

    • Missions and Evangelism

  • Healthy Local Church Leadership

    • Empowerment – Grant problem-solving, and decision-making authority to the local leaders.

    • Provide timely education and training

    • On-the-job training

    • Provide resources that are needed to get the job done.

    • Provide Pastoral care – emotional, social, and spiritual support

  • Essential Ingredients in ICPM Organism

    • Worshipping in the local language

    • All believers collectively do outreach and evangelism.

    • Immediate involvement of the new believers into the life and ministry of the church. Involvement in missions and evangelism.

    • Allowing new believers to exhibit their passion and boldness in the face of opposition or persecution.

    • Counting the cost to follow Jesus must be explained and understood.  Matthew 10:17-25

    • Leadership authority is decentralized. Local pastors, church planters, and evangelists must be empowered to make decisions, and have problem-solving authority for the tasks they were called to perform, without seeking authority from higher leadership.

    • Outside Missionary – keep a low profile, train and mentor the local believers behind the scenes. Let the local people do their job.


Go Give Hope believes that every national believer has a role to play in world evangelism.



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Grand Junction, CO 81504


PHONE: 970-312-5272




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